Sunday, February 8, 2009


Tonight I went to the Kari Jobe CD release party. First of all, she is incredibly gifted and the Lord's anointing is definitely on her. 

Second, the Lord completely broke me tonight. I have ALOT of thoughts going on in my head & heart and still needing to write, sift and pray through them all, but, I am in a state of brokenness which I know is right where the Lord wants me! A word was spoken over me tonight of the Lord just saying, "It's okay!" Again, still sifting through everything, but, the Lord came in power tonight and sang over us! I think He was truly blessed too! I am incredibly grateful and in awe of God's grace - how He accepts a child like me that wonders off sometimes and rebels, but, He just waits until we return home and He sings, "You're My Beloved, You're my Bride. To sing over You is My delight. Come away with Me My child". I am truly being swept away right now by Him and realizing how much I've missed His unbelievable presence. It's incredible what He will do when we are completely surrendered to Him. I cannot wait for what is in store. I am feeling tonight that God has some neat things in store if I will just remain faithful and near Him - so, I'm holding on for the ride! 

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