Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Will You Choose?

Wikipedia defines "worry" as an emotion it is experienced as anxiety or concern about a real or IMAGINED issue, usually personal issues such as health or finances or broader ones such as environmental pollution and social or technological change.

Yes, I capitalized "imagined" because I have found myself worrying about the things that have not even occurred and probably never will. I never thought I was a big worrier, but, something I realized: It's easy to say we're not much of a worrier especially when things are comfortable and going well, but, what will we do when the direction of our lives change a bit, and we're forced to truly trust God for what we don't necessarily understand? Will we trust Him because He's proven Himself faithful? Will we trust Him because He says He has plans to prosper & not harm us - plans for a hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11)? Will we trust His Word? OR, will we let ourselves spiral into a pit of worry that ends up choking the life & joy out of us?

Well, let's just say I've REALLY had to put this into practice recently. And, after reading Matthew 6:25-34 with our missional community and asking them to pray for me, I've been put in several circumstances this week where I was faced with a choice: to worry or not to worry. I really tried to "take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5) which for me meant that as I was faced with these decisions, I immediately prayed and recalled the character of God and certain scriptures I have memorized. It really helped! This led me to the question, "what is the source of most of the things I worry about?" and it was COMFORT! I tend to desire comfort whether it's financially, relationally, emotionally, physically, etc., I will usually choose comfort instead of denying myself for the sake of others & the kingdom. I'm just not okay with that!

Last week, I was listening to a song about the cross, This Is Our God, and I felt the Lord gently whisper to me, “Laura, what about the cross was comfortable for me?” That hit me like a ton of bricks! I am only here today because of what Christ endured on the cross, and I sit here wanting to just feel comfortable? Really?!? It sounds awful, especially when you put it on paper. I also began to read Philippians 2:1-11 out of The Message – now that is humbling. If we are to become more like Jesus, this means we set our comforts, privileges, & selves aside for the sake of the kingdom. What does that mean for you today? Will your answer be “yes” when you feel the Holy Spirit nudge you to say something, ask a question, invite someone in your home, serve the homeless, pray for your enemies, etc.? 

My prayer for us today: We will choose to listen to the Holy Spirit's whispers, and our answer would always be, "YES" even if it causes us to be a little uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel.

1 comment:

  1. I have to remind myself this all the time!!!

    Thanks for your insight :D
